
Are you like so many that seem to almost always end up with too much stuff when traveling?

Being the organized people that we are, one would think that Marla and I have this all figured out, right?! Ha! But thank you for thinking so highly of us! Our trip to London earlier this year revealed that we still need some help in the travel department.

Our biggest mistake was that we took TOO much stuff!! As we packed to come home, we kept looking at each other in despair, occasionally commenting things like, “There’s GOT to be a better way” and “WHY did I bring so much?!”

At one point Marla wearily smiled at me and said, “Kate, I recently saw a video about packing smartly. Why don’t you see if you can find one that will support us with all of this?”

Well I looked and of course I found a lot that are awesome! My discoveries included a fabulous Youtube channel, Sonia’s Vlog by Sonia Gil. I highly recommend checking out many of her videos, but I posted a couple of my favorites below.

Her top tips (in my humble opinion) are…

  • 1. Use packing cubes. Marla is already up to speed on this one, so I saw the benefits first hand.
  • 2. Avoid items that make you think “Just in case…”
  • 3. Pre-plan outfits.


I hope you find her videos as fun and helpful as I do. Check them out for yourself and let us know what you think!